WATERKING for ponds
Model WK1PP Blanket Weed Controller With External Transformer
The original and still the world's best known Electronic Blanketweed Controller!
We do not claim to remove blanket weed completely, but Water-King can control
its growth so that it no longer causes a problem.
We also offer a No Quibble Money Back Guarantee

The unit can be fitted on pipes up to 50mm in diameter and should
be installed as close as possible to the pipe. The unit will operate
on any normal type of pipe material, including corrugated, plastic
and BSP (waste pipe). The pipe to be treated must be full of water
at all times which means that water must be flowing either under
pressure or suction. A pump will cause electro-magnetic interference
with the signals generated by the Water-King and installation immediately
prior to a pump should be avoided. The optimum location is after
the pump. The Water-King will also extend the life of the quartz
sleeve in the U.V. system by keeping it free of scale deposits in
hard water areas. |
A period of 7 to 8 weeks should be allowed from installation before the
full effects of the Water-King may be seen.
Once the unit has been installed correctly on the pond system it will
pass an electronic signal which will interfere with the calcium ions in
the water. Blanket weed is a long filamentous structure and calcium plays
an important role in the strength and structure of the membrane which
is responsible for controlling the nutrient intake to the cell. The electronic
signal will disrupt the equilibrium between the calcium present in the
solution and the calcium in the cell membrane upsetting the cell metabolism.
The membrane will have no means of preventing excess solution from entering
or exiting the cell, and this means that the cell will either expand and
explode, or shrink and die.
Initially the process will encourage growth and the weed will expand,
but once the water reaches a "super" conditioned state, the
weed will begin to die away. The Water-King will control the growth of
the blanket weed although it may not remove it completely.
It is important that you monitor the conditions of your pond water during
this time as high nitrate levels and pH fluctuations will cause the blanket
weed to continue to grow. This is especially important if your pond is
constructed of concrete as lime may leach into the pond water and cause
a variation in the pH level. We recommend that the nitrate level should
be kept at around 25ppm or lower. It may be higher than this, depending
upon the quality of the mains water and the filtration system installed
on the pond. If you are in any doubt then contact us or seek advice from
your local stockist.
We recommend that any dead or dying blanket weed is removed in order to prevent
de-oxygenation and clogging of filters. Regular ammonia, nitrite and
nitrate tests should be carried out during this period. Ponds with excess
amounts of decaying material can suffer from a disruption of the Nitrogen
Cycle, so a water change may be required. It is also advisable to keep
feeding down to a minimum. Uneaten food, as well as dead weed left in
the pond will encourage the return of blanket weed. Blanket weed on a
waterfall will take longer to be effected by the Water-King because of
high light levels and oxygen.
In some situations blanket weed growth can increase within the first
two to three weeks of operation. This excess growth will cease when the
unit has "super" conditioned all of the pond water.
Technical Data
The WK1PP is tested to IP68 3 meters immersion depth and is therefore
fully water proof. The aerials and power supply are directly wired and
cannot be
removed from the unit whose circuit board is encapsulated in epoxy resin.
It will not be affected by immersion, external weather or adverse damp
conditions. The Water-King requires a 120 volt power outlet for the transformer.
The transformer is rated for indoor use only and must not be allowed to
get wet or damp, so it may be necessary to extend the low voltage power
cable to an acceptable protected socket. Additional cable may be spliced
into the existing lead between the transformer plug and its socket. A
waterproof seal should be made over the connections. Avoid short circuiting
the wires as this can cause the transformer to fail. Satisfactory tests
have been conducted on a cable extension of 500 meters. As the low voltage
supply is AC, there is no need to be concerned about polarity.
The Water-King needs no maintenance or servicing but do check occasionally
to see that the light is flashing